A slightly less easy way to send your message.

We've had reports that some people get a blank message form using the links on the main email-o-matic page. If this happened to you, please use these links. You'll have to cut and paste the message into the e-mail body. If you want to send more than one message, use your browser's "back" button to return to this page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Message to the DEP Message to the Governor Message to Rep. O'Connor
Message to Rep. Spallone Message to Sen. Peters Message to Sen. Daily
Message to Sen. Dodd Message to Sen. Lieberman Message to Rep. Hamm
Message to the Connecticut Department fo Tourism

If they hear from enough of us, they'll have to listen and do something about river preservation.

If you're interested in the public-access problem, you can also send a message to the town governments of Essex, Deep River, and Old Saybrook to let them know that you support their work toward keeping public access points open to the public. Deep River especially needs a strong message of public support, because one landowner there has taken the town to court in an attempt to deny you access to the river on PUBLIC land. (Click here for the full story)

Message to Deep River Message to Essex Message to Old Saybrook

Note: Please don't overdo it. One message from each person is enough. Sending this message multiple times will defeat its purpose as an "electronic petition."

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