Here is a quick update on 3 items of great importance for Connecticut
River Preservation.
1. Mark your calenders-Chester Dock Study Open Meeting on Monday, April
14 at 7 p.m. at the Chester Meeting House: Chester's Harbor Management
Commission has recieved a grant to conduct a study entitled, "Docks
in Chester-Where and Where Not." The idea is to provide
a logical and legally defensible framework for local regulation of docks
along the CT River and Chester Creek. The study could provide a
workable model for efforts in towns throughout the lower river area. I
am a member of the Citizen Advisory Board which has been meeting with
the planners who are conducting the study.
Next Monday, an open "brainstorming" session will be held
to generate information and ideas on how the river is and should be used.
Are there certain areas where docks should or should not be allowed?
What if any restrictions are needed to protect the rights of landowners
and the public? This session will be tremendously important in setting
the tone and direction of the rest of the study and any recommendations
that will come out of it.
Please try to come to this one. Your participation in previous hearings
is appreciated, but your views will not be part of the basis of this
study unless you come and make them known.
2. Contact your Legislators by next Wednesday, April 16: The Connecticut
Legislature's Environmental Committee appears to be content to do nothing
on the dock issue while the Gateway and Chester studies are pending.
My concern is that detrimental docks will be constructed in the interim.
I am also concerned that town Harbor Management Commissions will be timid
about adopting dock regulations to protect aesthetic concerns and small
craft navigation unless they are specifically authorized to do so.
As a result, I have sent letters to the entire Environmental Committee,
the leadership of the legislature, and all local reps and senators asking
them to resurect the bill that DEP proposed last year that would have
authorized towns to request a moratorium while they enact Harbor Management
regs that would protect scenic and small craft navigation areas.
April 16 is the date for Committees to recommend legislation to the legislature
as a whole, so our input is most important during the next week.
Please contact your legislators asking them to support the dock moratorium
legislation we have proposed. See our web page at
for information on contacting your legislators.
3. Schaller Dock: Schaller's application for a 104 foot dock across from
Gillette Castle remains pending before the Commissioner of DEP.
We have recieved no information as to his schedule for rendering a decision.
Thanks as always for your efforts on behalf of preserving "One of
the last great places."
James S. McKay
Connecticut Public Trust
14 Ridge Road
Chester, CT 06412